
World Premiere at Alma Löv Museum in Värmland Sweden June 2020


This novella film portrays a young woman photographer's emotional journey coming to terms with the memories of her grandfather, an acclaimed composer who resides in the woods, secluded from the outside world.

In a meditative, almost dream-like quest she assembles the broken images of her mother, father and grandfather, torned by disease in times of great peril, following in her grandfather's footsteps to the horizon as he revisits his past, ultimately finding creative inspiration, healing and reconciliation in his music.

MUSIC Lina Spjut
EDITOR Lena Runge


Upcoming Screenings

20 Juni - 21 Augusti 2020 - The Alma Löv Museum

Mest av allt får Runges film mig att tänka på den nyligen bortgångna finländska poeten Gösta Ågren, vars arkaiska dikter ofta var uppbyggda av motsatser som utan kontraster lades efter varandra. Liv och död. Fast och flyktigt. Hårt och mjukt. Storm och stiltje. Livet är ett undantagstillstånd. Med andra ord som gjort för förändring.
— Dagens Nyheter


Carl Fredrik Gildea

Carl Fredrik Gildea

Nikolina Samuelsson

Nikolina Samuelsson

Maria Eriksson

Maria Eriksson

Annie Starke

Annie Starke


Film i Väst

Shoot & Post

Sålanda Studion

Mentions in the News

SVT - 15 June 2020

Värmlands Folkblad - 18 June 2020

Dagens Nyheter - 5 July 2020


We began shooting this film in the summer of 2013 and continued with increasing intensity until late 2017.

During that period I contracted a potentially terminal cancer diagnosis, which would affect my whole existence and, of course, also have bearings on the production of this movie.

Originally shot light-heartedly, almost in the manner of a free-hand drawing, in my darkest moments it turned into an artistic last will and testament. 

Finally, on a personaI level, I could fathom Ernest Hemingway's gruesome destiny.

When the capacity to assemble words into a meaningful sentence begins to decline, when ideas vanish, when creative associations fade away in a worn-out mind, life feels empty and hard to bear.

When we edited the film between 2017 and 2020, the whole material had swollen to ca. 160 hours and the editing process became an extremely onerous, but also rewarding, task. By then my life again had taken an unforeseen turn and we realized that the basic theme of the film was the significance of creativity.

In my life, creativity, along with love, is a fundamental; this is what we attempted to portray in our film, which eventually ended up much shorter than we had intended from the beginning.

Considering the fact that our planet revolves around the sun in constant motion and that every movement in nature strives towards reproduction, it seems to me that one of mankind's sole opportunities to engender critical distance, empathy and — when we are lucky — meaning in our existence is offered by Art.

Imagination is the sister of love.

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The Resurrection 2022


Rensa Fisk - 2005